Notice: Deadline Google Consent Mode v2

As of March 2024, Google Consent Mode version 2 is mandatory for all websites utilizing Google Advertising Products. Below, we explain what this entails.

Google Consent Mode is Google’s response to stricter privacy regulations. By implementing Google Consent Mode, Google understands the permissions your visitors have granted via the cookie consent banner. This is necessary for Google to display (personalized) online advertisements to visitors from the EEA and the UK.

Google Consent Mode allows your website to ping Google to automatically adjust how your Google Tags behave based on the consent levels provided by your visitors.

Since January 16th, Google Consent Mode has been mandatory for Publishers displaying advertisements in the EEA and the UK.

From March 2024 Google Consent Mode will be mandatory for websites showing ad personalization features to EEA end-users. This is part of Google’s move to integrate Google Ads with the IAB Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF).

This is Google’s statement about it: “You are not providing EEA end-user consent signals required for ad personalization features. Take action before March 2024 or your campaign performance will be impacted.”

Reach out to us if you need help with setting up Google Consent Mode. The implementation of Google Consent Mode requires the configuration and the creation of templates in the Tags menu, as well as making sure the website has a compliant consent cookie banner connected to Tags. Once the essentials are in place, updating to Google Consent Mode V2 involves configuring two new parameters: ad_user_data and ad_personalization. These parameters inform Google whether user data may be sent for advertising purposes, and whether personalized advertisements (such as remarketing) may be enabled.

If you use a cookie consent banner through a Google-certified CMP, it might automatically manage Consent Mode for you and perform the update.

Companies that don’t implement Consent Mode, or are late to implement it, will not be able to collect data about their visitors from EEA, and the UK. Thus, they will not be able to use ad personalization, and remarketing features provided by Google going forward. This will also impact your measurement and reporting. This is why it’s important to be timely with implementing Consent Mode and comply with the latest version ahead of March 2024.

If you need help don’t hesitate to reach out. Marketing Engineers are here to help out 🙂

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